The Teen sits down subtly as a tear rolls down his cheek, the councilor looks at the Teen leans forward with a serious look. He dims the lights and lifts his note pad up and Begins to speak
Mr. Clark: "Mr. Shields, Or Robert if you don't mind me calling you"
Robert: *pipes in for a moment* "no I don't mind sir"
Mr. Clark: "Alright Robert, My name is Mr. Clark I am here to help you today. If you don't mind me asking what happened?" He looked intently at Robert then back at his notepad.
Robert: "It happened all to fast to understand. I came home one night, I will admit I was at a party, I didn't have a drop of alcohol, at least I don't think so"
Mr Clark: *interrupts for a moment* "What do you mean "you don't think so?"" He scratches a note down in his notepad.
Robert: *Stifles a whimper and speaks* "I felt fuzzy on my way home. Not like a drunk but a sick spinning feeling. You know that feeling you get when you spin in circles and look up in the sky?"
Mr. Clark: "Yes?" he said in a acquisitive tone.
Robert: "It felt like that but with fear added behind it. A fear I had never felt before. Like I was afraid of everything that came into sight" *He says this last sentence while leaning forward and grabbing his arms* "I walked in the house and she looked at me worried as if something was wrong"
Mr. Clark: "Who is she?"
Robert: *another tear rolls down his eyes and whimpers out his response* "My sister."
Mr. Clark: jots another note down "okay continue"
Robert: Wipes the tears from his face takes a deep breath and speaks again "She had gotten up to give me a hug and I was frightened... I couldn't comprehend who she was... My head wouldn't stop spinning my heart was racing and I was backed into a corner... I... don't remember anything after that except her blood in my hands... Her crawling away from me. I saw the misery in her face... I had to help her."
Mr. Clark: *Puts his note pad down looks at Robert worried* "What did you do then child?"
Robert: *Lets out a cry* "I did it... I PUT HER OUT OF HER MISERY" He cried harder then before and held his head in his hands.
The kind doctor rests his hand on Roberts shoulder. He tosses it off as if angry
Robert: "Don't touch me! I am a MONSTER!" He crawled up in a little ball on the couch and started biting his lip.
Mr. Clark: "Child do you wish to stop?" He sat back and relaxed in the chair with a face of misery
Robert: "No... I must accept what I did" He started digging his nails into his skin leaving red marks and scratches down his arms. "I... feel horrible... But at the same time I felt I did the right thing... The Power I felt, knowing and FEELING I could play as god and control someones life... But it hurt... knowing my own sister. Was this some sick and twisted dream? That's it I just haven't woken up yet" Starts rocking back and forth biting the tip of his thumb biting through the skin. "The power, The feeling. I couldn't hear anything that was being screamed. My mind numbed by the feeling of control."
Mr. Clark: looks at the time "Child please relax. It is time to go."
The door opens and the room fills with fire and en-wraps Robert and swallows him whole. You see everything go black. The stage lights up again and their is a funeral being held for April and Robert Shields the preacher stands at the head and speaks with conviction.
Preacher: It is a shame to see these children die as they did. Horrible to hear. Dead by his guilt and own hand... May god have mercy on his soul. Her body rests beside him. Their love everlasting as family shall always be... May god carry her in his wings. A moment of silence, for the ones lost that fine night.
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