Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Commin up on the last stretch of school. 6 days left of school. Its crazy. I just want to take a moment to reflect on the school year. things I remember, things i didn't like, just everything.

Things I remembered.
1. I remember the first day coming back into choir mid way through first semester, and I was welcomed just as if it were home.
2. I remember the the first day I sat in front of my friend Hamish how he would torture Maxx and I.
3. I also remember my first concert this year and how we did froggy went a courtin and how we did all those movements.
4. I remember first meeting Paige and Liz and how much we all had in common.
5. I remember all the Magic nights at Maxx's place and at Hamish's place.
6. I remember on on Ham's birthday how we stayed up till 1 playing hide and go seek.
7. I remember first starting this class and how this changed my opinion of the internet.
(its not completely useless)
8. I remember poetry out loud and how greatly that impacted my life. I met great people and had a wonderful time.
9. I remember music fest and how hectic all that was.
10. I remembered, i'm a senior next year.
11. I remember Samson's tears of joy when leaving the highschool for the last time.
12. I remember all the days i spent in Edwards class just for the fun of it.
13. I remember that cat walks.
14. I remember first starting piano class and being completely lost.
15. I remember the pointless amounts of hours that I spent in KHI after school.
16. I remember playing Ninja all throughout the year.
17. I remember doing the vocal percussion for the jazz choir
18. I remember doing my first ever solo at the Jazz night.
19. I remember all the nights i spent awake just waiting for the next day.
20. I remember the Inferno.

Things i didn't like.
1. The pressure with each day i went home
2. The countless quarrels between friends or family
3. The days i stayed home sick.
4. Moving.
5. One of my best friends leaving.
6. The short trip's
7. All the sinking feelings
8. The missed opportunities
9. The hell i put my friends through.
10. This school year ending.

That is it, kinda blan year, but it has had the biggest impact on my life, and ever min of it was worth it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Lets make this last forever"
Its a line that keeps popping up in this song I'm listening to. Blink 182 First Date off their album take off you pants and jacket.
Boy aren't they creative?
I have this album on shuffle so the next song is convenient cause it is based off of somebody leaving him and coming back.

I have had an odd craze for blink these past couple days so thought I would share.

This blog is actually about random ideas.

KYI is going to make a float for the 4th of July parade and they want ideas on how to decorate it. Got any ideas NP? Live band on the float.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I was reading The Bitchy Waiter and his blog entry called Albert Einstein ♥'s The Bitchy Waiter and he put up a quote i really enjoyed. "you know what insanity is? It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." and it made me think, mostly about how that quote didn't make sense, then when i analyzed it i realized, there is a bit of truth in that. Because you don't see people doing the same thing over and over again just to watch themselves fail, saying this in the sense that achievement is the goal. So what dictates other forms of insanity?  "Madness is like the Emergency Exit.You can just step outside and close the Door on all those Bad Things that happened.You can lock Them all away Forever" - Alan Moore. I believe that this is the most common form of insanity. The reason i say this is because all it is expressing is running from you true emotions and there is a mask. I performed a poem earlier this year for a contest that followed this idea, Paul Laurence Dunbar We Ware The Mask.  But that poem was based off of black slavery and how they were hiding their true feelings from there owners, but we wont get into that. The last quote I want to regard by insanity is "You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams.  I believe that this is the most realistic one I have seen because everybody has a problem, and tat problem is what makes us unique, if we lost that problem then there is no uniqueness.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


10 days. Friday the thirteenth. Kinda exciting? Right? There have been many bad things about Friday the 13th, Like in the UK, they have statistics on how there or less people driving that day but more
hospital admissions from vehicular accidents then normal Fridays. This could also be due to the irrational fear also called paraskavedekatriaphobia (fear of Friday the 13th) But how can it be such bad luck, when i bet there are so many people born that day? Do these people with that phobia fear them to?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 13th (for some odd reason didnt post)

exactly one month till I become 17. and today is when the rest of the people come in for music fest. uber excited, i can not explain. the last few days have been hell trying to survive and now (for once i might add) am stuck with a normal high school drama problem, but its different its music drama o.O...

anyway, I have been going to jazz choir for the past two days doing the vocal percussion for the song words, Here is the media to that song, I'm the soprano section of the vocal percussion, you cant hear it very well but its there. The welcome dinner is tonight and i get to see all the people.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12

Music Fest is just around the corner and I cant help but want to go insane >.<  three days of pure music and fun and Richard Nace is coming in. I is excited. I'm planning on taking all my workshops with him (if he has enough of course) and learning everything he can teach me. (I'm still debating on taking conducting 101 like last year maybe something more then 4/4 time will stick with me) I am going to be able to see some old friends who I haven't seen in ages (since last year) since they decided NOT to see me while i was up visiting for a day for POL >.> Claire...  But who knows whats going to happen. more then 600 students are coming. This is not Sparta. This is Ketchikan we cant fit the Persians and the Spartans together in a small enclosed area. I don't remember all who's coming but i do know that two new schools are joining this year and our piano class is making poster with creepy smiley faces on them... Way to go Khi, lets welcome them looking like children of the corn.. Dear god. anyway. My poetry old loud DVD came in and it was wonderful watching it again (though it was better when I was actually there. )

Mention it,
I know your thinking it
The twisted hallway you get lost in everytime
You venture into it
It boggles you like a puzzle that can not be solved
Our minds think alike, you and I
we solve everything the same way,
Our minds wrap around it and suffocate
Like waters of the unfortunate sea
You sit on your perch as I sit in this
Walled off room.
Like the beast they make me out to be.
Scratching the walls marking the days
That you will be just like me
I count the tiles over and over again to see if it changes
Or if my sanity shades it.
This bitter agony I have been put through
Hearing the whimpers on the other side of the wall
The whispers of the dead hidden in the walls.
My heart beat, loud enough, to throb, in my head.
And all i do is count the footsteps I hear on the outside.
continue making scratches on the wall, and watch
as the twisted halls appear in my dorm
Leading me to your sick throne.

Monday, April 11, 2011

That Drowning Feeling April 11

Pull your head out of the water.
This feeling you have seems
To suffocate you to bitter extremes
Like water boarding done for a militants
Sick twisted dream.
Who knows what waits for us at the bottom
Of that stingy lake that seems to have our name
Written on the surface of the water with the leaves
From the dead trees that we grew up with.
Their days were numbered from the day
The lakes surface was breached. such purity, spoiled.
By the insanity of a single person.
Who knows what was left when the waves brushed
The surface with its golden ripples reflected by Ra*
What grace, beauty, divine pleasure
It was to look out at the surface, and see the elegence
That was stitched across the waves of this horrible
What a sick and twisted reality it was to see
How much hell had broken lose.

*Ra Description

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8th

The last few days have been moderately stressful. Music Fest is next week and i need to find four people to house for me, >.< this is going to suck. other then that its been the same old same old. hell breaking lose in my head with new ideas for my Masquerade game i want to test run that i a right now currently writing. (spaced out to be honest thinking about what I'm going to do.) I'm currently looking for some good riddles for this game because its going to be one big puzzle.

April 8th
I have woken up in Joker Towns hospital and I feel like hell. My body itself is still intact but my brain is still fuzzy, all I can remember is the half moose knocking me out and now waking up here. I was torn up they said, they said i must stay on bed rest. but i know old bones will be in at anytime. I need to find my way out.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4th

I would like to add how much i failed at trying to participate in BEDA but I still am going to blog everyday I can continuing my story and say a bit of my day.

This weekend wasn't all that bad. but it was nothing to shout over too. I re-vamped an old addiction and hate my family for it. Damn Matrix. So i have been thinking of finding a matrix code GIF for my background on my phone and my laptop so i have that feeling of being a bad*** for the nerdy giggles of it in general.

April 4th:
Tomorrow turned into three days later. That ball bearing did more damage then I expected. I have been locked away in an abandoned wear house since last entry. The reason i write now, is because i made a huge mess and probably the biggest mistake for the month. The person i had hit was no other then Old Bones himself, biggest crime lord that has hit Joker Town, all of New York for that matter, since the mutations. Nobody knows what he wants, he already has it all, money, ladies (surprisingly since all he is is a bag of bones with clothing on), power, anything you name he has other. then a human body.

The knock on the door was his goons apprehending me and beating me to a pulp and tieing me up here with nothing more then a giant half man half moose joker. for some odd reason i was able to beat him down without a problem. It seems too easy.  I havent bothered to check his body yet. I better before something really does hap...

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st

Considering it is BEDA (blog everyday April) I'm going to both tell about myself a little on that day and a little bit of the journal story i will work on.

Today: its 8:58 and i was reading one of my friends blogs and i learned about BEDA so i decided to participate. I'm writing this while a friend of mine is sitting behind me cussing under his breath xD because he is playing Mortal Combat 2.. This is humorous to listen to and watch. So i have this French song i needed to memorize by today... Yeah that didn't happen but it was worth the shot right? I dunno. I'm feeling daring today though to so I'm going to see what happens.

This was an idea i developed while playing  a game called Mutants & Masterminds and how you pick your character is with a dice roll. get a 19 or 20 then you are a ace/superhero then 3 through 18 is a joker with an ace power. 1 or 2 and you have a deuce which is a hard core joker with a really dumb cheesy power for example being able to use only your thumb as a lighter, or being able to hover a centimeter from the ground, but you cant move. So this story is going to be about a joker's journal, i thought it would be appropriate because it is April 1st.

April 1st:
I live in the slums of New York City in a town called Joker Town. There isn't much else here other then the common freak and the uncommon Ace that decides to strut around town pretending he is hot s***. I live in an old run down apartment complex in downtown area of Joker Town, Apartment room B3. I have this obsession Collecting metal. but it think it might be due to the fact i can control it like i am now. To say the least i don't have complete control of it. For example. There it went out the window. Another poor fool going to get hit with a ball bearing. Deary I hope he isn't adhesive like the last one... That's a lawsuit for another time. I'm not like the other jokers where I have major mutations. I look quite human actually minus the freakishly long monkey tail which if I truly wanted i could hide without a problem. Before the "accident" i was a normal everyday new york cop. Average in every way. Then one day we got a call. A drunk alien, which had landed in what is now joker town, stopped to ask me, for directions, I tried to bring him to the station and then he ran back to his ship, which we later realized had pieces stolen from it, which caused a leak in the ship which spread through all the downtown area affecting all the people in it. That is how i am here now. This genetic mutation caused New York to split the civilians and the jokers apart, and the Aces hold us to that division.
I hear a knock at the door. Will continue on tomorrow. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Not going to lie i don't feel so motivated today.. i have been sitting here doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G almost all day and then i stopped to think.. its a long time till 2:30 pm. currently... 1:25 pm. I hate how i waste my days sitting here and reading non stop random articles and i have nothing to write. i have lost my muse. GRAWR

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lets Make It About You

I seem to catch myself at the worst times
Thinking of you.
My heart races
Hands go clammy but then I see
It was nothing but a dream

I wake up in the evening
In wish to see your face
But empty space stands before me
This cloud of passion I feel
Is unbearably cold

And I am left to ask
Where did my passion go?
Long gone I feel o’ so alone
Yet her smile bring warmth to my soul
I have yet to believe, that is not fake.

O’ to the weary soul who feels the demise
Of the cold winter eyes
I understand your pain
I listen to your cries
Is it so much to ask,

You hear my out cries?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Banned Book-1 Anarchist Cookbook.

It started with a question. "What should I do a report on?" then it hit me. The Anarchist Cookbook but i didn't stop there i decided to go out of my way and look up other banned books from all over the world and i found a website that shows a small list of them.

This website has a list of books being banned since Nazi Germany to Over-Dramatic U.S. opinions.
The first book that i decided to review (which i did not read im only getting an idea of it from wiki because if i even look it up im asking for trouble with government officials) is

The Anarchist Cookbook
by William Powell

This book was originally created because of a revolt against the Vietnam War. A man (William Powell) was involuntarily sent to war he did not believe in, so as a "return in favor" he developed the cookbook, which was all about learning how to make bombs, weapons, and deadly gases. The book has no true connection to what anarchy is

Definition of ANARCHY

a : absence of governmentb : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authorityc : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
a : absence or denial of any authority or established orderb : absence of order : disorder <not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature — Israel Shenker>

Dictating that this book was only made out of the sheer anger he had towards the government for sending him to Vietnam. William, later on in his career, tried to get it to stop being published because of his change of faith towards Angelican Christianity. The book kept getting published till 1991 when the publisher Lyle Stuart sold his company. 
The book, when reviewed, was never really a true threat considering more then half of the "recipes" didn't even work. 

My Opinion
This book proves how poisoning politics can be. Because if it weren't for the Vietnam war then then this book would not have been created, though it causes little harm (unless you find one of the few recipes that work) this book should not be such a pain in the governments ass. They should be riding the people with the new versions of the book. 

All info was gathered from Wikipedia! 

Monday, February 28, 2011


Like a beam of light that
strikes the surface of the
water, It dances across
the ripples of this poisoned
town. He breathed in the bitter
and breathed out the worst.
The crystal clear air we could
not handle
Gasping for the air we corrupted
It settled in our lungs as we
squirmed and twitched
drowned in the miracle
that laid upon us.
So pure it lay through our fingers
so precious, it strangled the foolhardy
and yet it would not be seen.
a miracle that would not stop re-occurring

Corruption is a thing of society whether it be by businesses or government it creeps around every corner and crevice of a town, state, country. There is always some form of corruption i believe the world would be better without it, i believe if it wasn't for corruption our world would be in better condition.

Lets find the differece

The Artist: I drag the colors out of a page and watch as they spread themselves

The Poet: I lay the words on the page and watch as they glide across the surface

The Artist: I let the colors dance as my brush skims the surface

The Poet: I let my words relax as they begin to lay silently

The Artist: Alive they walk in my mind

The Poet: Asleep they dare not share my minds content.

The Artist: Whats to say there is a difference?

The Poet: When the pictures speak as loud as words.
Whats to say there can be change?

The Artist: When the words become as beautiful as my art
Who's to say, we ourselves, are any different?

For the same things lie within all of us we let the
labels's underline who we are and shade in what
we could be, we quote the pages that were left
by the twine he used to mimic the twirl of the ribbon
Who's to say there is a difference?

As the poet becomes the artist
and the artist becomes the poet
they let their differences become a similarity
and watch as the world in their eyes
touches the surface, like the leaf that creates
the ripples that do not die.

This was a way to show that poetry is an art also, anything can be an art, if you do it the right way, but what's the right way you may ask. the answer is simple. Your way =]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Alone Review & We Wear The Mask Review

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

Edgar Allan Poe 

We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,--
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be overwise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!

Paul Laurence Dunbar

These poems are the other two poems i am doing for my poetry out loud project, they have a similar message which is a question "Why cant the world see me for what i am/can do?" and I believe that is a struggle that we all as people face, we wish we could do better and be better for the people in our lives. As an adult man if you have children you struggle to be better for them to teach them what you feel they should know.
These poems express the idea that they are alone but can live with a mask. In the poem by Poe he excepted it and lived with knowing he couldn't be lov'd in return by the one he was fascinated with,
in we wear the mask he mentions that the world sees them, but not as they want them to be seen so he feels his survival only relies on himself.

Review of City Of Sleep

The City of Sleep

by Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
Over the edge of the purple down,
   Where the single lamplight gleams,
Know ye the road to the Merciful Town
   That is hard by the Sea of Dreams –
Where the poor may lay their wrongs away,
   And the sick may forget to weep?
But we – pity us! Oh, pity us!
   We wakeful; ah, pity us! –
We must go back with Policeman Day –
   Back from the City of Sleep!
Weary they turn from the scroll and crown,
   Fetter and prayer and plough –
They that go up to the Merciful Town,
   For her gates are closing now.
It is their right in the Baths of Night
   Body and soul to steep,
But we – pity us! ah, pity us!
   We wakeful; oh, pity us! –
We must go back with Policeman Day –
   Back from the City of Sleep!
Over the edge of the purple down,
   Ere the tender dreams begin,
Look – we may look – at the Merciful Town,
   But we may not enter in!
Outcasts all, from her guarded wall
   Back to our watch we creep:
We – pity us! ah, pity us!
   We wakeful; ah, pity us! –
We that go back with Policeman Day –
   Back from the City of Sleep!
 This poem is one of the poems i am using for my poetry out loud. I have been looking at this poem and i think i have discovered what it means. 
The poem goes in and talks about the acceptance of people in the so called city, which could represent children sleeping soundly with no problems. The second stanza talks about how they are slowly not being welcome to the place, which could mean people in the mid years (16-26). after that they are all in exile which could lead to older years when things become to over whelming like work, stress, thoughts. the things that bother people. but it also could mean death because you don't sleep when dead its just over. there is no breaks its done and gone.

The reason i chose this poem is because i enjoyed the rhyme scheme  that it portrayed and i enjoyed the idea i got from the poem.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I don't know what to say or do
its like a fog i cant seem to escape
then idea is there but its like a ghost drifting by
i cant seem to tell how things are going in my mind
like a prisoner in a trapped state of sanity
it drips in my mind like fountain with a leaky hose.
what am i left to give?
my heart races with no destination to go.
and i am left with no clue of who i am
like a ghost in a shell that can not be cracked
like a photograph that has been worn to its final corner.
I do not know where i stand in this disastrously beautiful world.
and this, the voice in my head wont steer me to the right goal.
please oh great mighty one
i ask you to remove my mask and show the world i am more then
what i was cut out to be
please, don't let the shallow waters cover my eyes.
Do not stand at my grave and weep
the head stone was removed for a reason.
a hidden secret to the world
a beauty beyond your understanding.
my heart. was nothing more then a bitter chew toy.
in this place we call,
But what is home exactly?
a feeling?
a place?
i feel as if home is just out of my reach
like a child with a toy he wants on the top shelf
so close yet not in grasps distance.
I feel that the world around me is falling apart as I take another step
and I cant help but feel the dread that is left behind
bitter footsteps are caught in my past and the raindrops play like drums
on the ground in my memory,
loose ends tied up with barbwire made to tear what was there.
and I am left to repair the empty memories of a long lost idea
the idea we worked on.
The blue prints stick in my mind like a bitter taste that is left in your mouth.
from the poison that you were fed.
I cant help but feel the way I do
but like a cracked wall, i cant handle the pounding pressure in my head
I feel blind to truth
I feel def to the music that I loved
I feel numb to your breath on my cheek
so cold on the inside but i'm melting on the outside.
Like a twisted dream i haunt this world with my one passion,
does it know I speak through it when my own words escape me?
the floor slips up my tongue
and my memories are burned into my eyes
I am left looking into your eyes.
Your eyes that are not there.
I burn the edges again like the photograph that was in my hand.
and I feel, it was worth it in the end
Stay awake was just a random idea that popped in my head that I wanted to write down, and this poem was a combobulation of words that have been in my head that came out this way, there is no back story to it, just it.

Stay Awake

-The camera pans away from a child coloring in his book, you see the room is pure white and someone is standing there watching-

*the figure walks up and speaks*

Man: Who are you?

Child: *giggles and continues to draw*

Man: *gets closer and speaks* Hey, can you understand me who are you?

Child: *looks up and giggles and his face caves in like shattered glass*

-The man looks around in  panic as if looking for someone that could help and the floor begins to collapse one tile at a time and the walls start to crumble like the child's face and he is left looking into a boiler room. the man proceeds forward in a panicked state-

Man: Hello, is anyone there? *starts running his panicked hands across the walls* anyone? please someone? *he glances in front of him and the child is turning a corner and he chases after him* Hey! wait!
*he turns the corner and see's nothing but a frozen storage area and he slows his pass unknowingly and presses on*

Child:*his giggle echoes in the room and speaks* follow me.

Man: *The man tries to locate where the voice came from and continues on* What's going on? *he looks at the walls and notices hand prints across the wall he sees a teen at the end of the hallway and starts heading toward him* Wait! *the teen turns the corner and runs*

Teen: Try and catch me old man!

Man: *turns the corner and finds himself in an attic and sees a mirror, he gazes in and sees the kid, the kid, turns into the teen and then into an image of  the man, the image reaches his hand through and grabs his throat and he wakes up gasping for air* It was all a dream.. I am okay.. It.. Was all.. a dream.. *he gets up goes into his bathroom and looks in the mirror, when he leans down to wash his face off with water the image in the mirror stays standing gives a grin, and the room goes black*

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

F.A.I.T.H (chapter 4)

Chapter 4
I breached the door as I looked out in the distance, a giant figure, almost like a bird, was going through the sky, terrorizing the people in the village. I held my gun in the air aimed and shot but all I heard was the click. I looked down and it was empty, the gun had been stripped of its ammo and was useless in my hands. The moment I turned around I saw Luna with her own wepon. A blade that was taller then she was, but she held it as if it were lighter then a feather. She closed her eyes then opened them. Her silver eyes had turned into a murky black and her back burst open with wings that looked like that of an angel. I gazed as this happenend and was shocked to see how this all was going to end.
The bird had looked toward us and flew straight at us. Luna looked at me and gave me a signal to not panic. Her eyes, so beautiful yet so dark, I looked back and the bird had become a human, well human shape, his eyes just as dark as Luna and he landed in front of us. "looks like I found you." he pointed at me and stated walking towards me and smiled. "I dont know if you remember me, I had a different face the first time." His facial features turned into that of the rookie who had tried killing the Cheif and I. "What do you want from me?" I said with my gun at the ready, "I knew the bullets werent in there but he didnt" I thought to myself. he laughed as he saw me move my hand and he whispered boldly "that shelless gun wont save you" I blinked and the moment my eyes opened he was a step to the left and Luna's sword was right next to him.
I was baffled to see this sight, he had drawn his blade, which was an old stlye Rapier, and tried swinging at her, she had perryed quickly when he slid back about a foot. I looked around trying to find something that I could use as a wepon and the fox came and jumped on my shoulder. My eyes blanked out and I found myself in a white room. A child sat in the middle of the room when I stepped closer the fox ran and sat by him. Something told me I knew who the child was I went and sat right next to him and he looked up at me and smiled. When I looked in his eyes they were black and a giant flash appeared and I woke up. Luna and the Rookie had been feet apart and I looked at my hand My gun had taken the shape of a of a blade which had the red steal on the rim of the entire thing, It was the size of a normal blade but had a chamber by the handle with a trigger as if it were part gun, I knew what to do, I felt it in my bones. My heart raced and I jumped at him. My back burst and wings popped out and I dashed faster at him.
He laughed and swung his blade at mine and they colided I pulled the trigger and it barelly missed his head. "Rookie, you made a bad choice" he glared at me and murmered "The name is merick" he shoved me back and slashed at me a few times, I blocked several times. I sliped up on the last one and Luna blocked me in time, she sent three consecutive swings back at him. At that moment we both had been swinging, and with ease he blocked everyone of them. He jumped back and laughed "maybe another time we can meet up and talk again." He flew back in the air and dashed off.
I felt lighter all of a sudden. My blade turned back into a gun, my wings were gone, the fox laid across my shoulders again, Luna had went back to looking like her old self, her blade still in her hand though she held it out straight and it infused into her hand. She walked over to me patted me on the back, and as she was about to say something to me I colapsed and passed out.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

F.A.I.T.H (part 2)

Chapter 3: The Story
I stood there gawking at the beauty that was laid before my eyes, like a child in a candy store. I placed my hands on the window ceil and Stuck my head out the window. When I stuck my head back in I looked back at Luna and smiled. I then thought about it. My heart sunk. “Luna, am I dead?” She lowered her head and I knew the answer. Right when she opened her mouth a baby fox ran up my leg and curled around my neck and passed out. She giggled and then sighed. “Yes, you did die but you have been given another chance at life. You are the only one of us who has been on both sides; we don’t want to be at war any more. Our EDEN is collapsing.” I cocked my head looked at her in a puzzled way. “What do you mean by EDEN?” she pointed outside again and said. “This is the original EDEN. Our world has exhausted. We can’t stay here much longer.” She pointed at the tree in the middle. “That was the tree of life.”
She took me to the down stairs and down to the basement. The room was full of spores that filled the room, the fox must have sensed the spores cause it ran back upstairs, she handed me a mask and I placed it snug on my face. She pulled me to the side of the room and turned on the light. It was a black light so it irritated my eyes a little as it shined. A half dead tree stood in the middle of the basement putting off the spores and it bore seven bright red peaches that hung there by its stem. I heard a voice around me and I approached the tree.  Luna grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back. I reached out my other hand grabbing for one of the peaches barely brisling it with my fingertips. The moment my finger came in contact the spores reacted, they pulled me away from her and she fell to the ground. Everything was silent all that could be heard was my heart pounding.
She rose up scared to what she saw. She grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs with no difficulty this time and threw me up against the wall. “THAT was the tree of sin. “ I snapped into it and looked at her. “It feeds off your strongest sins. That tree has been hidden from the world since Eve took one of the fruit it bore. Since they were the perfect beings, they were forced into a world of sin.” She turned around and grabbed a golden apple she had sitting on the shelf. “The spores given off from the tree are the souls of the sinners, a demon of each sin. Did you notice there were only seven? If you don’t know what the seven are let me give you a brief lesson, the seven deadly sins started out as human beings such as what we are, believe it or not they came to EDEN soon after Adam and Eve were exiled from the holy land. They were told the same rules. Don’t eat from this tree, eat from that tree, you know the old story.  The first to break the rule was the oldest sister, Lust.  Tempted by the beauty the tree bore she took the first fruit and bit into it, her sense of self-control became lacking. She fell in love with her brother, Greed. She took him to the tree and he fed from it, in his epiphany he felt more important then the others. He went to the tree of life that night gathered all the apples he could and hid them for the others.  Lust and Greed for there actions were banished from EDEN and were sent to wander the world for all eternity. There other brothers and sisters were left behind, starved and left to bitter death when gluttony brought food from the tree of sin. They all ate, and were banished from the lands. Gluttony returned years later and died from an over feast of the fruit. All that was left was nine pears. All of them sealed by there fate. The last two were saved for Adam and Eve. Since then two were stolen and that’s what started this war, the imbalance of sin and peace.”
Baffled and confused I stood there in wonder of what to say. The moment I opened my mouth I heard a blood-curling roar from outside and knew something was wrong. I grabbed my pistol from the desk and ran outside as fast as I could.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Future (Original Beginning By Nobodies_Poet)

He looks to her with harsh eyes, wondering what will become of her
Will she be a Nothing, a Nobody or something else
He turn back from his lies, to think about how much he use to love her
All of the loving memories are too much to handle
He shoves her away running from the past
For the candle is long lost,the one they lite all those years ago
Alas he is soon to find no future without a past
They both feel so low,they cannot fit 
Surely this cannot last she shouts
Is it real?
Her screams
Continue to echo
Through the dark days
That were spent looking through the
Window, his reflection still shows
As she plays with her hair day Dreaming about that single moment.
He stares into the night sky Thinking about the time that has Passed. He keeps trying to escape His past, but the world drags on as He is left alone and awake, and the Candle flickers in his dream.
They open their eyes to the down Pouring rain, arms interlinked and Hearts intertwined. Drenched in the Cascading tears the heavens shed.
The scream seizes and night plays in Their minds. A memory that could Always stay. A past he wanted to Last.

(the bottom is my ending. Thanks bunches Meagan!)


Chapter 1: Welcome To My World

I felt her eyes gazing down at my unconscious body.  Watching me as I lay their motionless.  Was I breathing?  I couldn’t tell.  Her hand felt heavy on my chest, her lips felt cold pressed to mine.  I felt the pinch and my eyes shot open.  I lay there drenched in my own blood with my hand glued to my gun still.  My heart felt heavy I knew what had happened my eyes kept their gaze on the gun on my hands till they looked up at her.   Eyes as silver as a quarter, hair long enough to brisk my nose as she leaned over me, looking in panic, and white as a cloud on a summer day.  Tears streamed down her face as I heard her scream my name.  When I finally came too she smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, even in excruciating pain I Grabbed her back, and bit my lip.
It was three months ago this whole mess started. I was waiting in the Chief’s office when I saw a document labeled F.A.I.T.H.  I read through the document and as it started going into the details I saw what it was named. Fallen Angels In The Highlands. I gazed puzzled as I read on. “F.A.I.T.H.? What is the Chief thinking taking this operation no one is trained enough to handle anything in the highlands. He walked into the room pale white with his normal Cuban cigar in his mouth. “ Sgt Struthers what are you doing sir?” I looked shocked as my heart pounded in my throat “Briefing on operation F.A.I.T.H sir you called me in?” He stared at me with a look of pain an worry. “Now I know how you did on all your scores that’s why I made you Sgt. But that’s not the only reason.  Since The genocide in 2012 mankind has been at the mercy of the rouge celestial beings.  They haven’t been that big of a problem to us until now” He said this as he tossed another document on the desk in front of me. “We had one of them in captive in area 42, Sgt do you remember what area 42 is?” I look confused as I bit my lip and looked down at the page. “Isn’t that where we hold all dead celestial bodies before burn?” He laughed as he pulled another page, this time a picture, as he showed it to me. “Yes son, But we had brought in a live one that seems to not remember anything that happened.”  I looked at the picture and saw her, eyes as silver as a quarter, Hair long and white, her face stricken in panic staying clear from the other soldiers, her hands covered in blood. I heard his voice from behind the picture “Her name was Luna, we don’t know what happened to her or where she went all we know is we want her back.”
A new recruit walked into the room trying to keep his composer but we knew he was in a panic.  “Chief permission to speak.”  He gave a quick glance and waved his hand and the recruit shuddered and spoke “The blood samples you requested sir they… Uh, well.” The chief looking enraged shouted “DAMNIT BOY WHAT HAPPENED?” He scurried into a straight posture and whispered. “Its better if you see for yourself.” The Building shook and we almost fell as we rushed out the door.
When we reached the docking bay we found several inhuman figures destroying the place. They were medium built human shaped figures of blood.  The new recruit stood behind us and chuckled when the Chief and I went for our guns they were missing we looked behind us as we saw the recruit point at our heads. “Now that we are here, enjoy the show.” The bloody figures moved towards us as we turned back around the chief smiled and said out loud towards the recruit. “Boy your smart for your age but, you aren’t smart enough.” He shook his arm and a pistol rolled down his sleeve and breached the inside of his palm. He back handed the recruit in the face and shot him in the arm disarming him and taking back our guns. “Sgt I believe this is yours.” He handed me back my pistol. It felt light in my hand, its red rim, its cold feel, and its soft trigger under my finger. Without a seconds notice I had unloaded a whole clip into one of the blood bodies. It had done nothing.
The Chief and I ran back to the lab where they kept the blood samples. And saw the carnage the monsters left behind.  My heart jumped when I saw the bodies in a perfect line mutilated missing its arms, legs; there was one that made my stomach turn. His face looked ripped off and his corpse was pinned to the wall by his hands. With something written above he mangled body. “Did he believe?” My stomach continued to turn as I kept running. I had reached the lab when I noticed the Chief wasn’t behind me. I grabbed for my gun again loaded it and walked back down the hallway slowly keeping my eyes fixed in front of me. The hallway lights blew out so I used my emergency flashlight I kept in my hip pocket. My eyes adjusted to the poor lighting “I knew I should have bought new batteries for this thing.”  I took slow steps keeping my gun up and my eyes glued to in front of me.  With each step I took I reminded myself of each rule I was taught “Rule Three: Never keep your back exposed” as I whispered this I turned around as fast as I could and nothing was there.
I heard a scream in the distance, and then I repeated the next rule in my head. “Don’t let your fears get ahead of you.” I continued down the drenched hallway when I stepped in something. I looked down and pointed the light down and I saw it, the chiefs badge covered in blood. I looked all around in panic. When I pointed the light up to the ceiling, I saw it. The body hanging from the wall it was crippled and attached to the ceiling it pointed its faceless corpse at me and let out a disgusting growl. That sounded like the sound a dog would make when it’s angry.
My heart pounded and I did the first thing that came to mind. I turned my light off and backed up a little. Raised my gun and blasted two shells at the corpse. The growling stopped I heard a thud in front of me. In fear of it still being alive I took a few more steps back and whispered the next rule. “Make sure the targets…” I screamed the last word as I flipped the light on and shot the rest of the clip at the jumping body “DEAD!” when I unloaded the clip everything went silent the body laid there in front of me motionless, quite as the dead. I searched the body to see if there was any spare ammo guns or anything useful. I found his wallet, “Robert Shields?” I knew the guy. My stomach curled and a tear rolled to my eye, but I held it back. My mind was set on finding the Chief I couldn’t morn the death of a fellow soldier.
I reached the end of the hallway where the Chief and I had started and saw him; he was strapped to the chair in the middle of the room.  Caked in his blood and I could see the blood of our enemies.  I loaded my gun, my last clip. I stepped closer, the click of my shoe on the hard concrete floor sounded through the room. He looked at me, cried and called me over. I knew something was going on and I didn’t want to get too hasty I kept my gun high and I kept my eyes on the Chief. With each click on the hard floor my heart jumped one more beat. I knew it was trap. When I was less then twelve feet from the Chief I noticed he was covered by more then just blood. “Gas?” Without a minuets notice he burst into flames and left out an ear piercing screech. I closed my eyes and fell to my knees in pain. I knew there was something wrong here. I couldn’t tell what but I did know that body wasn’t the chief.
I managed to stand back up on my own two feet and saw the body was missing and I searched the run I was standing in for any signs of life. Not even the abominations were there. I was confused. I looked down at my gun, two shells left, scared to move another muscle. I finally got the courage when I heard the clang of metal form a distance. I looked up and saw the sign saying this was the garage. I looked around to see if I could find where the metal fell. I gazed aimlessly and my attention floated back down the hallway I came from, I knew I had to go back but fear overwhelmed and I crawled up to a standing position. I staggered my way up to the hallway and noticed that the hallway was cleaner. The bodies still laid mangled all the blood was gone, all the blood, except what was on the walls.
Confused to what I saw I proceeded down the new fully lit hallway back down to the science room. Before I approached the door the body I thought I had shot down was gone, without a trace. I was confused to what I saw but I still continued to open the door. When I went into the room I saw the chief lying on the table body mangled and torn open from the stomach. The moment my eyes met his I had vomited on the floor, weak from exhaustion I lost control of my body and fell on my side and passed out. Slowly everything around me went black.
I felt I was moving in a stationary place I was bouncing a little but still fairly still. I knew I was in some kind of car when I looked to my left I saw pure white hair and I started to think I was in a dream. I knew it wasn’t her. I couldn’t have been. Was it?

Chapter 2: A New Home

I woke up to the soft feel of a bed under my head. I slowly opened my eyes so I would adjust to the fluorescent lights over my head. When I finally opened my eyes and sat up my head was throbbing. I tried to get on my feet; I fell like a stone sinking in water. I propped myself back up on the bed and sat there for a moment looking at my surroundings.  I didn’t recognize the place. It looked homey with a creepy feel to it. Like it was too homey. I gathered enough strength to walk around and search the place; I looked in a mirror and saw grey sweatpants, white t-shirt, and a bandage and myself over the top of my head. I slowly started unraveling it when she walked in. She had silver eyes that looked into mine through the mirror, long white hair that reached to her shoulders, dark brown pants and a green fleece turtleneck that almost looked brand new. I turned around in shock and panic and put my back to the wall. “Who are you?” she smirked and giggled and said in a gentle voice. “I’m the one who saved your life.” I looked at her puzzled unsure to what she was talking about. She cocked an eyebrow and approached me. Each step she took to me was another step I took away from her. She kept walking forward to the point where I was backed up against the bed. My heart pounding faster with each step closer she took. My breath got heavier, my heart beat faster I started to lose my sight, and then she grabbed my shoulder and shook me. I snapped out of it. My body relaxed and everything went quite.
“You don’t remember anything do you?”  She said in a stern ruminative tone.  I looked at her hand on my shoulder and I looked into her eyes. I felt calm. I felt at home. It occurred to me finally that she asked a question I answered in a stuttered quite tone. “I don’t even remember who I am.” I dropped my head gave off a small whimper trying to hold back a tear. She lifted my chin looked me dead in the eye and I lost it. My mind got rushed with memories that I had lost. I remembered my name what I did and what happened. When it stopped she let me go and my head started throbbing again. “What happened, Luna? How do you know me?” She smiled and sat down by me. “Everything will be explained in all due time but for right now, we need to get those bandages off. “
She grabbed the end of the bandage and started unwrapping it. She smiled and whispered in my ear “Go take a look.” I went to the mirror again and my heart sunk. The celestial heart was printed on my head. The tribal lines making the shape of the heart on my head, I looked back at her. “What did you do?” she giggled. “Like I said I saved your life. At least in the only way I could.” I looked around the room and then back at her. “We aren’t on earth anymore are we?” She rolled her eyes and spoke. “Yes we are, we are just in the only place you wouldn’t expect.” I looked puzzled and then my eyes shot open. “Are we, in the highlands?” She stood up opened the window and pointed outside. I gazed out clueless at what I was about to see, and saw it. A town with bustling people playing, working, everything you could think of. There was a giant tree that looked as if it reached the heavens just where it stood. Beautiful light red apples hung from the limbs, the leaves a dark green, the branches thick enough that if they were to fall could crush the whole the whole town with just with its shockwave. I looked back at Luna and she smiled. This is the Highlands Kevin, Welcome home.